ADHPRO specialist staff have legal qualifications and can either; draft bespoke construction contracts and agreements tailor made to suit clients’ needs or amend standard contracts to meet specific requirements.
We can advise upon both the content and drafting of Consultants’ or Contractors’ terms and conditions. We also recognise the key commercial risks that affect the Construction Sector and will tailor the terms and conditions as necessary to indemnify and manage contract risk for your business. As specialists, in the construction sector, we have the expertise to advise you on all construction matters affecting terms and conditions and the formation bespoke contracts and the implication of the terms of any industry standard construction contracts including:
- JCT Contracts
- GC/Works Contracts
- ICE Contracts
- NEC ECC Forms
- IChemE Contracts
- FIDIC Contracts
- Consultant I Project Manager Agreements
- Sub-Contract Agreements
- Performance Bonds and Parent Guarantees
- Collateral Warranties and Agreements
- Novation and Assignment Documents